9 peacemaker

As a Peacemaker, you…

… can have a passive-aggressive approach when stressed.

… tend to avoid dealing with problem and you avoid conflict in particular.

… have a hard time making decisions, often freezing up and waiting till the last minute, or asking someone else to decide for you.

… dress for comfort rather than fashion every time.

… don’t like being around negative people.

… tend to take on the beliefs and characteristics of others you admire.

… have a compromising and “let’s all get along” approach to life.

… are highly adaptable and have varied work and career experiences than others.

… are invested in a world that works for everyone.  You are a natural advocate for peace.

… see life as good and try to look for the best in everyone.

Want to be the truest, most Smart & Successful You?  Knowing more about yourself through the Enneagram can do that…just click here!
