6 skeptic

As a Skeptic, you…

… are wired to prepare for the worst-cast possibilities.

… have a million questions.  You notice the positive, but your mind is focused on the limitless negative possibilities.

… could be phobic: “something is lurking in the shadows…quickly, turn on the lights! Or, you could be counter-phobic: you would jump out of an airplane to conquer your fear of heights.

… are prepared for any situation and thrive in a crisis.

… are ever on the alert, scanning the horizons for danger.

… think strategically and are skilled in planning and analysis.

… see the bad and have to believe in the good.  You are able to sacrifice for the right cause.

… spend a lot of time worrying, anxious and second guessing.

… have a mind scanner for inconsistencies, deceptions, false images and the bad guys.

… want consistency or at least the truth in others, yet you don’t always provide it yourself.

Want to be the truest, most Smart & Successful You?  Knowing more about yourself through the Enneagram can do that…just click here!
